We offer bitesize online live sessions that can be delivered at your pace:
Option 1: Bitesize Introduction to 'What is FASD?' @ £50 per session
Online delivery, focussed on the needs of your child or young person; existing challenges & anticipated needs emerging.
The session will be tailored to consider children/young people with diagnosed or likely Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder that you support; how they currently present and how anticipated emerging needs can be considered.
• What is FASD?
• Brain development
• FASD strategies to support existing needs
• Communication, confabulation, physical needs & working memory
• How can we adapt to meet the FASD emerging needs of the children we support?
©FASD Informed UK
Image with kind permission of one of our FASD Friend @Charlie Mackesy
Option 2: 8 week online course (every other week or monthly) (£50 per individual session) tailored to support emerging needs, strategies and forward planning:
1. 'FASD Informed' Stage 1: Identifying your child’s needs (1:1 informal session)
2. 'FASD Informed' Stage 2: What is FASD?
3. 'FASD Informed' Stage 3: FASD Strategies
4. 'FASD Informed' Stage 4: FASD Education & Support
5. 'FASD Informed' Stage 5: FASD Informed Good Practice in SEND and EHCP Reviews
6. ‘FASD Informed' Stage 6: Transition Planning
7. ‘FASD Informed' Stage 7: What is FASD? Bespoke session for Friends & Family
8. ‘FASD Informed' Stage 8: Ongoing support and planning

Online course with a difference....... at whatever stage you are at on your journey we can support you where we move forwards at your pace. Each session is led by the group where we focus on the needs of your child, we look at the challenges and together work through support strategies & find our way together.
“We were made to feel welcome from the start, we talked about what we were seeing in my daughter and it went from there........ great!!! "
"We learnt all we needed to without feeling overwhelmed and then together looked at what we really needed as a family. It really made sense and has made a massive difference. I can genuinely say this has been a life saver for me”
Being parents and taxi drivers to our children we have no time to find the space to think about what we see every day. This course will help you navigate the huge challenges you face where together we will support you in your next steps. We all have busy lives because of our children's complex needs so we recognised how important it is to take time in exploring FASD and its co-morbid conditions where we have developed a program that works around you and us!
We hope to give you a toolkit to support transitions with each bitesize chunk of information being very specific to areas that you need support in, but with an acceptance that you cant get it right all the time where we provide continuation support after all our courses.
Delivered in a way that makes sense as it relates to your child, where we will talk about the challenges you face in a safe space which is completely confidential.
We know from practice that we learn more from lived experience as we support children with undiagnosed and diagnosed FASD every day.
The course is supported by our support group, resources, an optional supported WhatsApp group & Facebook community FASD Friends group.
To sign up: email fasd.southwest@gmail.com for more details or to reserve a place
All copyrights reserved.